Rabu, 29 Juli 2009


Created: 2009-04-30, with 1 file (s).
Keywords: demography, loyalty MEREK, BANK
Subject: BANK
Call Number: 332.1 Mah a c.1


Brand loyalty to be a valuable asset for a company in
won the competition due to the strict market impact of globalization. Condition
This can be done given the competitive banking world at this time increased, especially after the bank resrtukturisasi due to the economic crisis that has occurred.
Each bank, especially commercial banks try to

communicate brand products at savings of media communications as incentive to take interest in potential customers and grab market at this time of crisis is still
masayarakat a result of the belief many banks closed and taken over
government, and even do a merger of several banks.

Ways that have been adopted with some offering gifts and
luxury, and the interest rate war. However, behind the way that,
whether consumers are interested and be loyal. Loyal customers can be expected
purchase it back, do not switch brands on other products, and are willing to
recommended to the prospective customer so that they can create new value increased sales and market share is large (tells, 1988; Newman and Werbel, 1973; Oliver, 1999; Anderson, Fornel, and Lehmann, 1994 and Lee Lau,
2000; and Aaker, David A, 1991).
However, Roy Gony (2005) revealed that there is a kaprah a number of myths that is customer loyalty. For example, if there is more and more companies have loyal customers, it will be always followed by the
a large market share. This is vice versa, companies that have a high level of customer loyalty it has small market share, and even tended to exclusive, as are owned by Harley Davidson. A number of
research shows a negative relationship between market share and level of consumer loyalty in a heterogeneous market. Next, jute Roy (2005) suggest that in managing the brand loyalty need to carefully
first make sure which type of consumer akan dituju with other words
segementasi market need to see a clear and effective so that fertilization loyalty
consumer brands in a product can be effective so that the impact of the high level of consumer Retention and expected impact on increasing sales and acquiring market share. Inu Machfud (BMI Research Jakarta, 2008)
also need to see the type of segment that akan dituju both major segments
and secondary segments of the votes. In the war that
best is focus on the segments of the market so akan dituju
clear targets and effective and can be seen which type of consumer and loyal

Therefore, this research aims: 1) to know the relationship segmentation
demographic consumer loyalty with branded products in the savings banks, 2) to
see the level of consumer loyalty to the brand product savings, 3) to
demographic segment of the class to know which of berkonstribusi as
loyal customer loyalty in the category level (high-fidelity, loyal, loyalty
are not loyal, and very loyal), so that it can provide implications
for bank management in determining the strategy and policy banks in the period
Analysis tool that is used in the research model is deskripti statistics, in the form
average method, the cross-tab analysis (cross tabulation) and Chi-Square test.
Discussion of the results shows the segmentation demographic (gender, age, education,
employment, and income) is not significantly associated with levels
brand loyalty. This is seen from the value of test statistics Chi-square was obtained in
top level of significance a = 0.05.
Conversely, there are some interesting findings that if the variable segments and the work associated with the frequency of income to save the show in a significant relationship. The same thing also happened that there was a relationship
significantly between the age and value of savings, education and the value of savings,
between work and the value of savings, and the relationship between income and the value of savings.
The findings also indicate that the frequency and amount of the value of saving savings
not significantly related to the level of brand loyalty. Means that the findings
are consistent with the idea expressed by jute Roy (2005) Myths about
Loyalty of the customer loyalty that will not always mean
correlated positively with acquisition value fund savings.

Segment of consumers who give the largest value konstribusi frequency
save money, the amount of savings and value in the category of levels is loyal
segemen men, with jobs as employees of the private sector, has a high
S 1 graduate education, aged between 22-26 years old, and have income above
Value indek brand loyalty that is 3.64, which means that
loyal customers in the category, with the value Committed Brand (customer
recommend to use the product on the savings bank 3 respondents) of
26.67% in the category or simply commit. This value is simply because menghawatirkan
akan consumers tend to switch brands if another brand products to provide
high reliability products that promise high competitiveness and powerless.
Some of the solutions that need to be done, namely 1) the need to first type
market segmentation which akan dibidik, because it is very related to the magnitude
frequency and amount of the value of saving savings. However, it does not mean the
different demographic segments that will determine the loyal consumer, 2) in
order to maintain and increase brand loyalty some strategies that can be
done is: create a relationship marketing strategy to optimize the
through integrated programs such as sending congratulatory cards to customers
on the moment-a moment, imposition of administrative costs low, and
or the provision of life insurance premium bonuses as consumer self-protection, provision
reward as the reward loyal customers, and the prime services.

Details: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/go.php?id=laptunilapp-gdl-res-2009-himahrinas-1573

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